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Persons with dementia will gradually diminish ability to communicate. They may have more difficulty expressing thoughts and emotions and have more trouble understanding others. The person may not able to find the right words − particularly the names of objects, may substitute an incorrect word, or may not find any word at all.
Changes in communication
The person with dementia may experience changes in communication such as:
Difficulty finding the right words
Using familiar words repeatedly
Inventing new words to describe familiar objects
Easily lose their train of thought
Difficulty organizing words logically
Reverting to speaking in a native language
Using curse words
Speaking less often
More often relying on gestures instead of speaking
Tips for better communication
Identify yourself
Call the person by name
Use short, simple words and sentences
Speak slowly and clearly
Give one-step directions
Ask one question at a time
Patiently wait for a response
Repeat information or questions
Turn questions into answers
Avoid confusing expressions
Avoid vague statements
Emphasize keywords
Turn negatives into positives
Give visual cues
Avoid quizzing
Give simple explanations
Write things down
Treat the person with dignity and respect
Be aware of your tone of voice
Pay special attention to your body language
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