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1 case in every 3 seconds is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease worldwide, and 1 in every 3 local seniors over 85 years of age living with the disease. Demand of services for people living with dementia and their families will increase because of ageing population. Being a self-financed agency without regular government subvention, we strived hard for donation and sponsorship to support our services. We keep our service fee charged at an affordable level of our service users and their families. Your generous donation will allow us to provide specialized, professional and innovative dementia care service to people living with dementia and their families.
Donation Method
(Please read the Personal Data Privacy Policy of Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association carefully BEFORE you download or complete the form)
Online Donation:Donate via BOC E-Donation Platform
*Also applicable for donor without Bank of China account.
Payme: Please go to or scan QR code to make donation. Please take a screenshot of the successful payment page (with transaction date & time shown) then email to or whatsapp to 6706 5953 for donation receipt.
Fast Payment System (FPS): FPS ID:166290197. Please take a screenshot of the successful payment page (with transaction date & time shown) then email to or whatsapp to 6706 5953 for donation receipt.
By Cheque: Please make cheque payable to "Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association" with the donation form.
Direct pay-in to the Bank Account: HSBC #484-254834-001,Please send us the original copy of bank pay-in slip with the donation form.
Donor may also fill in the donation form for credit card donation.
Donations of HK$100 or above may be tax deductible with official receipts. (Inland Revenue File No.: 91/4488)
The donation receipt will be sent by in 4-6 weeks upon receipt of the donation instruction.
Donation Enquiry: 2338 1120
By mailing:"Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association Freepost No. 58 (KBY)" (No stamp required)
Fax:2338 0772
Whatsapp:6706 5953 (Only applicable for receiving donation screencap.)
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